Industrial Gas Expert Witness
Our principal, John Peterson, has decades of experience in the drafting, negotiation and administration of industrial gas contracts. In fact, the majority of IGCA’s consulting focuses on dispute resolution regarding such agreements. This can come in the form of expert report development, expert report rebuttal, affidavit submission and the associated court testimony relating to such documents, as well as consultation relating to the general commercial practices and economic drivers of the industrial gas industry.
All commercial disputes are different, but in general, almost all relate to some aspect of the Product Supply Agreement. IGCA has extensive experience with the PSA, as well as the peripheral agreements such as the Ground Lease and performance/quality guarantees.
Let us know your specific issue and we can set up a time to discuss. Our goal is to assist in settlement via negotiation, and many times an alternative currency may be developed which allows resolution without the time and expense of court proceedings.

Industrial Gas Expert Witness Experience
John has served as an expert witness, corporate representative and/or primary fact witness in mediations, trial cases and arbitrations. He is also experienced in bankruptcy proceedings, including creditor’s committee participation, and has testified in bankruptcy court.
He is experienced in large scale project development and contracting, including numerous domestic and international ASU facilities, pipeline enclaves and SMR/HyCO production plants.
And finally, John is familiar with production economics for on-site ASU and SMR supply modes, as well as merchant economics for most atmospheric and process gases.
Contact us today regarding our industrial gas expert witness services. There is no charge for the initial consultation.